Year 5 & 6 - Acacia, Maple and Oak classes
Dear Parents, Carers and Children,
A warm welcome back to a chilly but fun-filled New Year and new term in Year 5/6.
The curriculum in Terms 3 and 4 – Sow, Grow and Farm
This project teaches children about the features and characteristics of land use in agricultural regions across the world, including a detailed exploration of significant environmental areas. Our driver subjects is Geography, with companion subjects in Science, DT and Art. The children will examine the wider properties of materials and their uses; learn about mixtures and how they can be separated using sieving, filtration and evaporation; study reversible and irreversible changes, and use common indicators to identify irreversible changes. We will be children ‘eating the seasons’, by learning about the meaning and benefits of seasonal eating, including food preparation and cooking techniques. Children will be getting hands-on with the genre of land art - working outdoors to sketch natural forms and explore the sculptural potential of natural materials before working collaboratively to create land art installations that will be shared as part of our Fabulous Finish to term 4.
This term’s Stunning Start has been both indoor and out. Having been inspired by contemporary, British, land-artist Andy Goldworthy, the children took to the school field to create lines, spirals and towers out of the natural materials that they could find around them. Back in the warm, they explored a wealth of seasonal fruits and vegetables: considering and rating them on smell, texture and taste. Many tried something new for the first time! This inspiration will be built upon as they learn to plan and prepare a nutritious vegetable soup for their family to enjoy.
Knowledge organisers will be available soon on our class pages of the school website to support all these activities. We will be using these regularly in school to help guide our learning and they are an excellent way for you to share in this and discuss it with your children.
Parental involvement: supporting your child’s learning at home
As before, we have sent home some tasks relating to our experience to be completed at home. These can be found in your child’s Reading Record. These tasks are designed to be easily completed at home and children should aim to complete one task each week. They will be used to support learning and discussion in class during the following week so it is important that they are completed during the correct week.
In the reading record, you will also find a list of the words all children are expected to spell correctly by the end of Year 6. Regular practice of small groups of words at home will help children to retain their knowledge of the key spellings and will reinforce our spelling lessons at school.
Reading at home
There is an expectation that children read daily at home, for at least 20 minutes. Reading aloud to an adult is a vital skill and builds their confidence, fluency and extends their vocabulary – it also improves their writing. We are continuing to use Accelerated Reader, which gives your child the opportunity to read books at an appropriate level. Children then complete a quiz on that book before they can choose a new one from our library. Reading records should be completed and signed each evening by an adult (for which they will be awarded one housepoint) and brought to school every day. Please also write in any new vocabulary. We will then ask children to explain the vocabulary and award a housepoint each time they are successful.
A reminder that parents can still be reading to their children at this age as well – many children will enjoy the quality time together sharing a book, and it is hugely beneficial for their own reading skills and enthusiasm for reading.
Times tables
Acacia, Maple and Oak will continue to have weekly online battles this term. The winning class is awarded the Rock Star Guitar in Friday’s assembly and individual MVPs (most valuable players) are also recognised. Regular practice on TTRockstars will continue to secure, reinforce and consolidate their knowledge of the times tables, which will in turn assist them in many other areas of maths.
Arrival at school, equipment and uniform
All children in Years 5/6 should enter by the door on the middle playground. An adult will be on duty to welcome them in between 8.40 and 8.50 each day, when the register will be taken and lessons begin. In the afternoon, Oak and Maple Class will leave from the same door. Acacia Class leaves from the middle door opposite the car park (to the left of the main entrance). Mobile phones must be handed in as soon as children arrive in school. They are kept safe in the school office and returned to the children at the end of the school day.
All children in Year 5/6 write in pen. The ideal is a blue Frixion (or similar) erasable pen. These can be purchased from the school shop as well as from supermarkets and the village shops. All other equipment that your child needs is provided by the school, which means that pencil cases are not needed in school. Children have their own peg or locker, so any bag must fit into this space. Large backpacks are not appropriate.
Please note that children should not bring toys or fidgets to school unless prior agreement is obtained from Mr Wheatley, our Inclusion Manager.
Uniform promotes a sense of belonging and equality. We expect our children to demonstrate pride in their appearance and respect for the school uniform. Please ensure your child is in correct uniform at all times.
We expect our children to demonstrate pride in their appearance and respect for the school uniform. Year 5 and 6 are the role models for the rest of the school and so it is particularly important that they set a good example.
Grey tailored trousers or shorts
Grey skirt, pinafore dress
White shirt/polo shirt
White short-sleeved shirt/blouse
School bottle green round neck/V-neck sweatshirt or sweatshirt fabric cardigan
School tie (optional)
Black tights
Grey socks (white socks can be worn with dresses)
Green checked dress
Black shoes
Children should be well-presented and their white shirt/polo shirt must be tucked in at all times. Children must wear sensible black shoes to school, NOT TRAINERS or BOOTS.
Makeup and nail varnish are not permitted. Excessive hair accessories or extreme hair styles or colour are also not permitted. No jewellery except for one, small, stud earring allowed in each ear. Analogue watches are encouraged but SMART watches are not allowed.
Many items are available from the school office. To order uniform please click on the link or visit the uniform section on our website.
The Parent and Teachers’ Association also runs an excellent second-hand uniform shop on site.
This term, we have outdoor PE on a Monday and indoor PE on a Tuesday. Please ensure that your child comes into school wearing their PE kit on this day. If a child is unable to join in with the P.E lessons due to injury they should still come in their full P.E. kit as they will contribute to the learning and assessment of skills covered. Pupils with long hair should have their hair tied back at all times and earrings must be taken out or protected with tape during P.E. lessons. Teachers are not allowed to take earrings out for children so please ensure it is done before they arrive to school that morning.
PE kit:
House colour T-shirt
Black PE shorts
Green track suit bottoms or black skins underneath the shorts maybe worn for outdoor games in cold weather. Skins may not be worn without shorts over the top.
All items of uniform need to be clearly marked with your child's name
Outdoor Learning
We hope to have lots of opportunities for outdoor learning this term – in particular, in our art project - so please make sure your children have suitable footwear and waterproof jackets in school every day. This really is essential in the winter months. Please send a named pair of wellington boots, old trainers or boots into school with your child. These can be left at and stored in school so that they are to hand should we need them on a wet day!
End of the Day
As you know safeguarding your children is paramount at BGPS and it is essential for all that this continues at the end of the school day. We ask for your support to help ensure that we are sending your children off the school site in the manner that you expect us to.
- If children are not leaving school with a parent and carer that we have on record, then you must advise us of this as otherwise we have to ensure that a phone call is made to confirm that you are happy for this to happen.
- If you have a child in Year 5 or 6 who you are happy to walk home from school on their own, please inform us in writing so we are aware of this.
Other information and key dates
19th January School choir performance in Young Voices at the O2.
2nd February PTA school disco
6th February Safer Internet Day
Information about healthy lunchboxes is included below.
Finally, if you have any concerns that you would like to raise with us then please do so, we are always happy to discuss any issues with you and deal with these as soon as possible.
Best wishes,
Mrs Quantick, Mrs Glasswell, Mrs Woodward and Mrs Wilson