Year 1 & 2 - Bay, Myrtle and Willow classes
Dear Parents and Children,
Welcome to years 1 and 2. The old year may have only just ended but we are already getting prepared for the children’s return in September. Please read the important information below, particularly regarding uniform, book bags and PE. We look forward to working with you next year.
Learning Curriculum
To support their transition from Reception classes, our Year One days will include an element of child led learning where children can choose their own direction of play based learning. Alongside that, we will have more teacher led sessions in the following areas with the following content.
We will be following the strands contained within the National Curriculum for Maths for years 1 and 2. We are starting the term learning more about place value, followed by addition and subtraction and then shape.
We will be using different stories linked to our Cornerstones topics to inspire our writing and will be starting off the term with Oliver Jeffers’ ‘The Way Back Home’. Year 1 and 2 will continue with the Little Wandle phonics programme, with year 2 focusing on the different sounds a grapheme can make. After the October Half Term Year 2 will then go on to learn spelling rules, still using the Little Wandle scheme for this. These lessons will focus on the year 2 spelling requirements of the National Curriculum. Both year groups will have 3 reading aloud sessions each week- decoding, prosody, comprehension.
The theme for History is ‘Movers and Shakers’. Both year groups will be learning about historically significant people who have had a major impact on the world. They will learn to use timelines, stories and historical sources to find out about the people featured and use historical models to explore their significance.
Our work this term is all about human survival. This project teaches children about the basic needs of humans for survival, including the importance of exercise, nutrition and good hygiene. They learn at a basic level, how human offspring grow and change over time into adulthood.
Our first part of the year will be focusing on how and why we celebrate special and sacred times. The children will be considering the value of celebration in their own lives as well as learning about the significance of festivals to the Jewish way of life. Within this, they will explore the significance and meaning of Jewish rituals. They will also learning about festival celebrations within Christianity which will be perfectly timed with Christmas! The children will be exploring the symbol of light throughout many different celebrations.
The theme for Art is ’Exploring Colours’. This essential skills and knowledge project teaches children about colour theory by studying the colour wheel and colour mixing. It includes an exploration of primary and secondary colours. Year 2 will go on to examine hues and how artists use colour in their artwork.
We will be thinking about IT around us and then following a topic on digital painting.
The topic is called, ‘Remarkable Recipes’. This project teaches children about sources of food and tools used for food preparation. They also discover why some foods are cooked and learn to read a simple recipe. The children choose and make a new school meal that fulfils specific design criteria
‘Let’s Explore the World’ teaches children about atlases, maps and cardinal compass points. They learn about the characteristics of the four countries of the United Kingdom and find out why there are hot, temperate and cold places around the world. They also compare England to Somalia. Children carry out fieldwork, collecting primary data in their locality to answer geographical questions.
LIBRARY: Your child will visit the school library each week where they will be given a free choice and bring home one library book each.
PHONICS: Year 1 and initially many of Year 2 will also have a book linked to their phonics, which we will contact you about once we have assessed your child’s reading level. We have been lucky enough to gain funding to buy extra books so children can have an actual book as opposed to the ebooks.
ACCELERATED READER: Year 2s will be assessed using the Accelerated Reader Star Reading Assessments. Once their reading age reaches 7 years they will be able to choose a book within the points band matching their assessment profile.
All children will have a Reading Record book which we ask you to comment in each time you hear them read. House points will be awarded to children who return their reading record book each day with a comment inside.
Please can you ensure your child has a named pair of wellies in school as we will be venturing outside when weather watching. We have racks in school for their safe storage.
All Year 1 and 2 classes will have outdoor PE on a Monday and indoor PE on a Thursday. Year 1 and 2 children will come into school in their PE kits. Hair must be tied back and earrings removed or protected with tape during PE sessions. I would just remind parents/carers that staff are not able to remove and replace earrings.
Please ensure your child has the correct PE kit as follows:
Trainers or plimsolls
House colour T-shirt
Black PE shorts
Green track suit bottoms or black skins underneath the white shorts maybe worn for outdoor games in cold weather. Skins must not be worn without white shorts over the top.
All items of uniform need to be clearly marked with your child's name
Uniform promotes a sense of belonging and equality. We expect our children to demonstrate pride in their appearance and respect for the school uniform. Please ensure your child is in correct uniform at all times.
We expect our children to demonstrate pride in their appearance and respect for the school uniform.
Grey tailored trousers or shorts
Grey skirt, pinafore dress
White shirt/polo shirt
White short-sleeved shirt/blouse
School bottle green round neck/V-neck sweatshirt or sweatshirt fabric cardigan
School tie (optional)
Black tights
Grey socks (white socks can be worn with dresses)
Green checked dress
Black shoes
Children should be well- presented and their white shirt/polo shirt must be tucked in at all times.
Children must wear sensible black shoes to school, NOT TRAINERS or BOOTS.
Makeup and nail varnish are not permitted. Excessive hair accessories or extreme hairstyles or colour are also not permitted.
No jewellery except for one, small, stud earring allowed in each ear.
Analogue watches are encouraged but SMART watches are not allowed.
To order uniform please click on the link or visit the uniform section on our website.
The Parent and Teachers’ Association also runs an excellent second-hand uniform shop on site.
School helpers
We are always very grateful for any help with reading, art activities etc. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer please contact the school office in order that a DBS check can be completed. This also applies to any grandparents who wish to get involved too.
Lunch boxes and snacks
If your child has a packed lunch please make sure that you are providing a healthy lunchbox (see below for ideas). If you choose to send in a playtime snack please send only fruit and/or vegetables. Please note we have a child who has a peanut allergy so please do not send in any foods that contain nuts.
Book Bags, Pencil Cases and Water Bottles
Just a reminder that children must use a school book bag as we do not have the space to accommodate rucksacks etc. Rucksacks are also causing the locker doors upstairs (Year 1 classrooms) to break. Children rarely need to bring anything into school that requires larger bags and we will let you know when they are. Please do not send a pencil case into school as items get easily lost. We would prefer children to use a named school water bottle.
Inclement Weather
Please make sure you send an appropriate coat, hat, gloves depending on the weather. Please send hats during hot weather.
Mrs Austen (Year 1 teacher MYRTLE)
Miss Lister (Year 1 teacher MYRTLE)
Miss Phillips (Year 1 teacher WILLOW)
Mrs Bale (Year 1 teacher WILLOW)
Mrs Wibroe (Year 2 teacher BAY and Key Stage 1 Lead)