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Borough Green Primary School

Learning Together with Kind Hearts and Determined Minds

Learning Together with Kind Hearts and Determined Minds

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Experience - 08.02.20

Welcome to the Year 5 & 6 Home Learning for the week beginning 8th February.


We are so impressed with the range of skills you are developing at home – last week you were engineers designing earthquake-proof housing, journalists reporting on a disaster and editors proof-reading texts for publication.  It has been alarming seeing where your imaginations go when we give you a scenario like a natural disaster in Borough Green. Many of you have made us chuckle with the little details that show how much you know about our village.

This week we are staying with the idea of an earthquake and are shifting our focus from newspapers to news reports on television or radio.  This is your chance to hone your skills as a presenter or newsreader – perhaps you will find a passion for the media and become a future Newsround star? Or you could develop your interviewing technique and replace someone like James Corden or Steph McGovern?

You will also have the chance to be an artist or a designer when you make a logo for your TV or Radio station.  If you’ve got some potatoes, potato printing would be an easy way to do this.  Make sure you only do this with adult supervision as many of us can testify to how easy it is to cut something other than the potato!