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Borough Green Primary School

Learning Together with Kind Hearts and Determined Minds

Learning Together with Kind Hearts and Determined Minds

In this section...

Books your Child will bring Home

Home-Reading Scheme

Children will have the opportunity to choose a book to bring home twice a week. They will be directed to a book appropriate to their level of reading. The books will not be part of a reading scheme but the children will progress through colour coded levels.


A library book of your child’s own choice will be brought home once a week during term time.

Please spend time hearing your child read and reading to him/her every day for at least ten minutes. This will make a huge difference to the rate of progress and will help to create a very positive attitude towards reading.

How to Write

On entry the children have a concentrated input of phonics so they can begin to see the relationship between letters and sounds.  They learn to write using cursive script.

They will be provided with a role-model of adult writing every day. The children will be encouraged to use their knowledge of lower case letters and sounds when writing. With clear emphasis on sounding-out words, you will be amazed by your child’s achievements.

Technology and Creativity

Your child will have the opportunity to participate in creative activities daily. For all creative work your child will require a named overall.  An old adult shirt with elasticated wrists is ideal.