Maths - w/c 13th July 2020
Year 6
(Mrs Martin's, Mrs Lewis's and Mrs Quantick's Year 6 pupils)
Please ensure that you are following the Oaks lessons carefully and pausing to complete all the mini independent tasks as you are asked to do so. If you are doing this, you may well find that the taught lesson itself takes you one session and the independent learning tasks take you a second session. This is absolutely fine and shows that you are really making the most of the support and learning given to fully master the topic being taught. Some fabulous maths home learning has been handed in via email to the office; it would be great to see even more!
This week we will continue our unit exploring area. All lessons can be found on Oaks National Academy
For each lesson:
- Start with the Introductory Quiz
- Follow the video lesson – paying close attention to the information and demonstrations from the teacher
- Complete the independent activities when asked to do so (pausing the video to give yourself as much time as you need)
- Finish with the Exit Quiz.
- For every lesson you will need a piece of paper or an exercise book, a sharp pencil and a ruler.
Monday 13th July & Tuesday 14th July
Over the next two sessions on decimals and measures, you will be learning to convert between units of time.
Once you have completed all the problem solving (remember, we’d like you to work systematically and thoroughly, so we expect this to take up to two days), the final test will recap on the learning in this lesson—the questions are varied, so you will need to have completed every part of this lesson.
Wednesday 15th July & Thursday 16th July
Over the next two sessions you will be consolidating your understanding of percentages.
This term finishes on Thursday 16th July but the Oaks website and our support lessons will stay up throughout the summer holiday so you can go back and complete any lessons that you have missed. You will also still have access to TTRockstars, so you can really nail those times tables before you head in to Year 7 in September. Congratulations on all your hard work over this peculiar time. If you have kept on top of all your online learning, you can be confident that you are ready for your next step.
Year 5
(Miss Wood's and Mrs Quantick's Year 5 pupils)
Please ensure that you are following the Oaks lessons carefully and pausing to complete all the mini independent tasks as you are asked to do so. If you are doing this, you may well find that the taught lesson itself takes you one session and the independent learning tasks take you a second session. This is absolutely fine and shows that you are really making the most of the support and learning given to fully master the topic being taught. Some fabulous maths home learning has been handed in via email to the office; it would be great to see even more!
For each lesson:
- Start with the Introductory Quiz
- Follow the video lesson – paying close attention to the information and demonstrations from the teacher
- Complete the independent activities when asked to do so (pausing the video to give yourself as much time as you need)
- Finish with the Exit Quiz.
- For every lesson you will need a piece of paper or an exercise book, a sharp pencil and a ruler.
Monday 13th July & Tuesday 14th July
Over the next 2 sessions, you will recognise 3-D shapes in different orientations.
Wednesday 15th July & Thursday 16th July
Over the next two days, you will identify and recognise nets of simple 3-D shapes
This term finishes on Thursday 16th July but the Oaks website and our support lessons will stay up throughout the summer holiday so you can go back and complete any lessons that you have missed. You will also still have access to TTRockstars, so you can really nail those times tables. Congratulations on all your hard work over this peculiar time. If you have kept on top of all your online learning, you can be confident that you are ready to head into Year 6 in September.
General Maths Support
The school username is bgpschool
The school password is circle
You then have your own unique log in to access the work set by your teacher. You should look for the subject areas that you know you find tricky and use the lessons to support you before completing the worksheets and homework. You should aim for a minimum of 80% correct in each task - redo the activity if you are scoring less than this; revisit the lesson if you need to.
You have your own log in details and should work your way through your tables until they are automatic to you. Challenge other children within your math set or class if you'd like a bit of competition. The system will respond to you as you improve giving you more and more tricky calculations to complete.
This is a great site for a quick burst of varied maths each day (to really stretch your fluency). You can have a go at any level but as a guide, Mrs Q's Year 6s should be working at a Platinum level and Year 5s at a Gold level. 5-minute multiplication square
Can you complete a multiplication square in under 5-minutes? Challenge your parents or other family members to have a go too. Keep practising until you can get it all correct within the time, then see how fast you do it without losing your accuracy. There's a blank grid on the maths archive page (or you can draw your own) plus a completed one - in case mum or dad need it. is a great resource for pictorial puzzles that will get you thinking algebraically whilst having fun – challenge each other to be the first to find the answer.